simplistic journey

finding joy in the everyday

Category: Love

Rosy 2014

2013 was fabulous, no complaints. I learned, tried new things, visited new places, met new people & learned more about myself.

I plan to work on one big objective in 2014 & that is my faith. I believe that with faith everything will be more clear – my purpose, my marriage, my family, my daily life and my future. I want a true, deep relationship with God – not just attending church weekly. I want to understand & relate it to my unique life. 



Make your 2014 amazing in whatever way you chose to. Cheers!

halloween 2013

i’m surrounded by creative people – check out these outfits!

here i am with my friend chiquita banana (jennifer) at starbucks on halloween morning. we wanted to give wichita a hoot & we succeeded. my name was petunia pixie & i got 2nd place at our work costume contest. i literally did not work that day. we instead painted pumpkins, decorated cookies for trick or treaters & enjoyed adult beverages. it was FAB!


adam & i held the boo bash at our home on fri night with family. it was fun & everyone dressed up.

here are some of the girls


adam’s parents were bounty hunters. hilarious.


they were searching for adam dirt. he was so pumped to wear a mullet wig, he’d like the real deal but i’m not real interested….


meems outfit was hilarious


who is this booo-tiful little girl??

i didn’t get to see her for halloween but i seen many pictures from her mama.


such a cute little fam


halloween was great this year for us – i hope you had fun!

zoe is one

zoe celebrated her first birthday on oct 26th & she had a blast!

here we are shopping 2 weeks before her b-day. she was crawling and taking a few steps but not quite walking, that was a different story at her birthday party!


zoe spent her first birthday with the ones she loves. she was walking all over! it was a gorgeous fall day in the low 70’s. we painted pumpkins, she drove her car, chased all the bigger kids around, giggled & got extra extra love!

birthday dinner – lasagna, green beans, garlic bread & salad YUM!


playing in her room!


girly decor


zo zo’s first birthday sign – GOOD JOB MAMA!


she wasn’t a big fan of her b-day hat but she sure looked cute!


time for cake & she wasn’t shy, she dug right in!


frosting facial = birthday bath time!


let’s open presents!


loved her lego wagon & new sparkly boots with the fur


favorite gift right out of the wrapping – her very own pink chair!


the adult beverages were flowing 🙂


after lots of playing with many kiddos & adults zoe was partied out. love this picture with her mama!


zoe’s first birthday was a success! looking forward to growing old with this lil girl, she is amazing in many ways.


easy meal coming right up

-pillsbury pizza crust (make small holes with fork all over)
-spread buffalo sauce on crust (we used ott’s buffalo sauce and really liked the KICK)
-mix shredded chicken & buffalo sauce – spread on the pizza crust
-sprinkle green onions & mozzarella cheese on top
-either grill or bake 15-20 minutes (we grilled & it was awesome)

1 year anniversary getaway

we spent our 1 year anniversary in Arizona! you may ask why az? we wanted to go somewhere warm & fun so that’s where we landed! it was fabulous – 80 degrees everyday, no wind, friendly folk, lots of activities & fresh air.

we stayed & spent 90% of our time in Scottsdale, az – which is VERY nice. we were surrounded by expensive cars & multi-million dollar houses & we felt safe the entire time! I would highly recommend this beautiful suburb of phoenix.

plenty of relaxing  time by the pool


we dreamed – adam wanted to get his hands on this ferarri

we enjoyed true AZ scenery & hiking




we golfed – a hobby we both enjoy




this is a walking trail right out the backdoor of our resort – AZ is so active, it’s truly contagious.


went to a major league baseball game – it was fun!


this anniversary getaway served the purpose of quality time with my love. I can’t wait until our next trip together!

Pinks. flowers. hunk of a man. smiles

my valentine’s day consisted of all the above. it was a fabulous day!

my lovely husband surprised me with a dozen red roses (which he arranged) and a handwritten note.
for lunch i took my husband one of his favorites – a fajita steak burrito!
i spent my lunch hour with a couple beautiful ladies – rachel & jennifer.
i’m new to hot tea, but this sounded oh so yummy.
i had cute surprises at work. candles & lotion from my boss, dixie and a love coupon booklet from stacie. thanks ladies!
i gave them fun cups with yummy eye candy!
i was happy with my outfit, assessory (watch) and nail polish. so girly!
my lips even matched!
adam and i wined & dined at home. we made one of our favorite meals
filet mignon’s, potatoes & asparagus.
it was the perfect ending to a wonderful day full of little things.
XOXO until next V-Day!

Our Honeymoon

We went on our honeymoon early Monday morning after our Saturday wedding. Of course we chose a tropical destination, Ocho Rios, Jamaica. It was PERFECT. You might ask if we did a lot of activities, the answer is no. We did a lot of eating, drinking, relaxing – just what we wanted!

 Here we are relaxing in the gardens.
 It would not be a trip without a blow-up doll. Had to get a pic with this cutie.
 Romantic date on the water.
 My hot husband catching some rays.
 We experimented… I asked, “how does it taste?” Adam responded, “it tastes like high school – like shit!”
 Adam’s favorite meal – their jerk chicken was delicious!
 Spent a lot of time at the bar. 🙂
 Always happy to see the drink man! They don’t let you go empty handed.
 Took a cooking class. Hello, a wife must know how to cook.
 It was an amazing trip and so much fun to spend non-stop quality time together.
I’m so thankful to find the perfect man to spend my life with!
Cheers to many more vacations with my husband!

Tying the Knot

April 2012, I got the honor to marry my best friend and the best man I’ve ever known. We had an 11 month engagement, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I loved the wedding planning process – from the many wine nights with girlfriends to engagements pics with my favorite man. It truly was fabulous.

Our big day was exactly how we wanted it. It was laid back and we were surrounding by all our favorite people. My favorite memory of the whole day was seeing this handsome face at the altar and knowing that we both wanted to be in that church 110% that day.

I was fortunate to have 4 beautiful ladies by my side. Megan, my Matron-of-Honor and “sister.” Megan is my cousin and we are only 6 months apart, so we have spent our whole lives together. There is rarely a memory that does not involve Megan. She has always been there for me & I know she will be there by my side forever. Alayna, my friend. She was my first friend out of high school – we lived in the dorms together. Boy, that was a crazy year! 🙂 We are still excellent adult friends and I truly value our friendship more and more each year. Erin, my friend. We met while I was working at Victoria Secret and initially hit it off. Always meeting up for coffee, lunch, happy hour & pool dates – She now lives in Tulsa, but that just means road trips to meet up – I look forward to our conversations about the journey through life! Adina, my sister-in-law. Adina is Adam’s sister and we have always had a connection. She is one-of-a-kind and I appreciate that in every aspect. You cannot be around Adina & not smile. She is awesome & the life of the party.

(L-R: Erin, Megan, Myself, Alayna & Adina)
Thank you ladies for being amazing friends! I love you all!
Adam was fortunate to have his 4 best guy friends by his side. Adam has a lot of friends and many of them are life-long friendships – it shows how great of a person he truly is. I’ll give you a round-about, but this is me speaking, not Adam. They all have been friends for a long time…. Ryan, his best man. Ryan is such a great person and always there for Adam. Bobby, his friend. Bobby is always in a good mood and loves to laugh. Kevan, his friend. Kevan and Adam had a lot of rowdy memories together & they still like to get together and rip up the town. Joe, his friend. Joe & Adam have a lot in common, especially when it comes to hunting & fishing. They can kill anything, even with their eyes closed. They all are laid-back and very loyal. I know Adam was very confident in his choices and I completely know why.
(L-R: Ryan, Kevan, Adam, Joe & Bobby)
Always down for a good time…
We got to share our big day with the best parents and family 
anyone could ask for.
My mom & dad – Tom & Patty.
Adam’s parents – Leon & Dee
Our niece and nephew – Grayson & Carin. They were awesome & cute to boot.
I could go on and on about our wedding day, everything was perfect. We have the best family & friends and could not be more blessed.
Most of all, we have each other – forever.
Cheers to a lifetime of happiness & love.

Feel free to check out more pictures from our perfect day.
Allie Burns Photography
Fan Cam