winter cravings

by thekatesimon


cooking has been an interest of mine since it was a mean of survival – 6 years ago when i became an adult. i try all sorts of recipes, i’m not afraid to mix it up and add the kate-touch —  i’ve come to really enjoy it.

during the week i work all day so my recipes stay simple – unless i have wine to motivate me through the recipe! on the weekends, it’s a type of therapy for me. i’m not in a rush & i love serving delicious food to family and friends.

on chilly february nights what is better than soup? i love the chicken gnocchi soup at olive garden, so this was my very own version. it was phenominal! if you are like me order nookie soup, it gets a rise out of the server every time!

get the recipe here – make
it soon while it’s still soup weather!
if you have not used gnocchi in any of your recipes you can find it by the pasta in the grocery store. they are delish dumplings.

package of gnocchi

creamy goodness
everything bread

tossed salad with my fave cheese
apple pie dip [hot]
homemade cinnamon chips
bon appetit, friends!