lent – my sacrifice

by thekatesimon

to fully devote myself to lent is one of my checkmarks for 2013 – i have finally decided what i am going to give up.


does lent really have to start the day before valentine’s?? what a shame.

why am i giving up sweets? i figure if i have to suffer for 6 weeks i might as well shed a few lbs – preferably 5 lbs.

what i’m going to miss the very most…

CHOCOLATE – first and foremost

decadent cheesecake
frozen yogurt
deliciousness that i cannot touch for 40 days:
brownies, cookies, cake, cupcakes, pies
cheesecake, tarts
donuts, sweet breads, pudding
frozen yogurt, ice cream, custard, gelato
pop & juice
hot chocolate, lattes, energy drinks
muffins, pancakes, waffles
cinnamon rolls, danishes
1st week complete
I did not cheat, not once! getting through valentine’s was a bit tough. at work, every corner I turned there was luscious sweets. I also celebrated my nephew’s b-day without a birthday cupcake. 😦
the hardest part has been giving up pop. I’ve had a few afternoon caffeine headaches, but nothing unbearable. my new best friend is strawberry sparkling water!
good luck on your lent venture!